Tics & Tricks

My Tourette’s can be classified as mild.  I have, for the most part, trained myself not to do anything “weird” in front of other people.  One tic that gets by, however, is bouncing my legs.  It’s not that abnormal.  Lots of people fidget when they’re just sitting around…right?


When I was a teenager, my dad would gently nudge me during church to quell my Thumper-like tendencies.  These days, I don’t spend that much time in formal…sitting…situations?  Is that a thing?  But take this morning at a fancy district breakfast.  I became a little antsy as the time came for my principal to introduce me to the group.  In between speakers she playfully chided, “now stop that!” and I realized my legs were bouncing out of control. I spent the next two teacher introductions very consciously willing my legs to be still while pressing my hands firmly into my lap.

Another time this tic was noticed was on a first date.  I muttered, “oh, I’m just a little fidgety.”  My companion replied, “yeah, I fidget a lot, too – although I usually use my hands on a date.”

And he winked.
